Delegation or Escape?
Some years ago, while me and my pastor were “breaking the rules” of Christendom (i.e. taking our children “trick or treating” while sipping our bottles of Mike’s hard lemonade), I took advantage of the opportunity to complain to him about the shortcomings of those around me. Namely my complaint was that those about me didn’t run with the assignments I delegated to them and instead would put in periodic efforts to meet the minimum expectation and then hope that I would forget or worst yet, acknowledge the request and then ignore it, which frustrated me. What makes a “Good Leader?” Being […]
Diversity or Agreement?
Embracing diversity will drive growth, but not necessarily agreement In a world that is obsessed with one-sided diversity, a trait I’ve come to highly value from leaders is their ability to listen and consider a difference of ideas and opinions. Even more valuable is a humble, dissenting subordinate. At Amazon (Amazon Web Services (AWS)), they label this under their Leadership Principle (LP) “Have Backbone…disagree and commit.” While Amazonians aspire to own the 16 valued “LPs”, it is easy to let the less appealing or rewarding “LPs” fall by the wayside for the sake of personal comfort and preservation. The most […]